The History of Emmanuel Church

Playlist (Click to listen)
1. Dialogue Sur Les Grands Jeux (Suite Du Premier Ton) Louis Clerambault ----->
2. Recit de Chromhorne (Messe pour les Paroisses) Francois Couperin ------------>
3. Basse et Dessus de Trompette (Suite Du PemierTon) Louis Clerambault ------->
4. Est ce Mars le Grand Dieu des Alarmes Jan Sweelinck --------------------------->
5. Nun Komm der Heiden Heiland Dietrich Buxtehude ------------------------------->
6. Ricercare del 7 E 8 Tono Giovanni Gabrieli ----------------------------------------->
7. Wir Glauben All' an Einem Gott, Vater J S Bach ----------------------------------->
8. Concerto in A Minor - Allegro J S Bach --------------------------------------------->
9. Concerto in A Minor - Adagio J S Bach ---------------------------------------------->
10. Concerto in A Minor - Allegro J S Bach ---------------------------------------------->
11. Sonata in D Minor Op 65 No 6 - Chorale Felix Mendelssohn ---------------------->
12. Sonata in D Minor Op 65 No 6 - Fugue Felix Mendelssohn ------------------------->
13. Sonata in D Minor Op 65 No 6 - Finale Felix Mendelssohn ------------------------->
14. Salamanca (From Trois Preludes Hambourgeois) Guy Bovet ---------------------->
15. Allegretto Grazioso (Six Organ Pieces) Frank Bridge ----------------------------->
16. Humoresque Pietro Yon ----------------------------------------------------------------->
17. The National Anthem S S Wesley ------------------------------------------------------>
John Bennett Lancelot Performs at Emmanuel
In 2000, James Bennett Lancelot, organist at Durham Cathedral and conduictor of the Durham University Choral Society, recorded an album on the Harrison & Harrison organ at Emmanuel Church Chester Parish. Mr. Lancelot is a member of the Royal College of Organists Council and a Fellow of the Royal School of Church Music. In 2013, he was appointed President of the Incorporated Association of Organists.
The full concert of seventeen pieces is lister below. Click the arrow to the right to listen to each piece.