The History of Emmanuel Church
Location Plat
Window Locations

Stained Glass Window Plat
In the floor plan above, the windows are numbered beginning with St. Paul in the original Moses Triptych in the chancel and then working clockwise around the church. This path also tends to follow the order in which subsequent windows were installed. In all, there are 22 windows made of stained glass. The "WD" in the numbering scheme is the abbreviation used by the Philadelphia stained glass studio that provided the original version of this drawing in its renovation proposal.
Windows 01-04

Locations of WD01 thru WD 04
Windows 01, 02, and 03 make up the Moses triptych -- a set of three windows with a common theme depicting St. Paul, Moses, and St. Peter, in that order. These were the only figural windows among the original SGWS installed during the 1880 renovation. The rest of the windows all had simple geometric designs. They were very common and popular in the 19th century; in fact, ours were probably obtained from a Sears-Roebuck or Montgomery-Ward mail-order catalog, which offered such windows for less than a dollar per square foot. I suspect they’re worth considerably more today.
Windows 05-11

Locations of WD05 thru WD 11
This is the Veterans’ Memorial Park side of the church.
Windows 12-15

Locations of WD12 thru WD15
We’ve worked our way around the church and have now arrived at the left wall of the nave. The four windows on this side look into the Garth, an enclosed courtyard bounded by the nave on the right, Dwyer Hall behind this view, the Parish Hall to the left, and the sacristy wing straight ahead. Emmanuel’s Garth is a secluded quiet place for reflection and meditation. It also houses the columbarium. Let’s take a look at these Garth Windows.
Window 16
Window 16 is the geometric window above the door between the nave and the narthex, It is not visible from outside the church.
Window 17-19

Locations of WD17 thru WD19
This postcard, postmarked 1907, depicts Emmanuel Church as it appeared after the new bell tower and parish hall were built in 1905. The main entrance to the church is now under the new bell tower. The tower was endowed in memory of Caroline Thompson and finished in September 1905. Our next three windows, still remaining, were installed during this remodeling. All three of these windows are geometric rather than figural, but in a style different from the original geometrics. WD 18 & 19 can be seen only from the inside the narthex, while WD 19 can be seen from the street and from the inside by going up a very tall vertical ladder into the tower, where very few have dared to go before.
Window 20-22

Locations of WD20 thru WD22
The last three of Emmanuel’s stained glass windows are the only non-lancet windows that we have. Though these are popularly called rose windows, but because of their geometric simplicity, they more properly belong in the category known as target windows. They currently reside under the gables on the three sides of today’s Parish Hall. Note the repetition of the yellows and white in WD 20 & 22, similar to the tower windows. As you can see, #21 is too green to match the other two. As we saw with the Choir Window, number five, the off-color might indicate that it was manufactured separately from the other two.