The History of Emmanuel Church

WD07 The Good Shepherd
(Westcott Window)
Tiffany Studios, New York, 1893-1898

Taken from John 10:11-18, this window depicts Jesus as the Good Shepherd, in a red robe with blue over-tunic, holding a shepherd’s crook in his left hand, standing at water’s edge, tree behind. In the arched lintel above is the crosier-bearing Agnus Dei, or Lamb of God.
In the inscription above: Come to me all ye that labor and are heavy laden and I will give you rest (Matthew 11:28)
In the nameplate:
To the memory of my father and Mother
George Bergen Westcott
Born February 10 1801 Died March 22 1887
And Mary Ann Hynson Westcott
born October 11 1801 Died May 16 1841
a loving tribute from Their daughter
[Their daughter was Harriett Louisa Westcott Hill.]
In the inscription below: I am the Good Shepherd and I know my sheep and am known of mine”
This window is unsigned. Oral history said Tiffany or LaFarge, both of whom used the opalescent glass technique. In a letter dated Oct 7, 1978, after examining the window, Henry La Farge verified that it was a Tiffany and not done by his grandfather. This window was executed between 1893 and 1897, because it appears in the 1897 but not in the 1893 catalog. I have not yet been able to locate the 1894, 5, 0r 6 catalogs to pinpoint it any further.
The green and white glass border surrounding the window is more recent than the original window, which used to have a wood frame to fit properly into its niche. It has been replaced with the glass border.
In a letter dated 26 Oct 1983, Anna Bryant Hill Stansfield , granddaughter of Harriett Louisa Westcott Hill, the daughter of the George Bergen Westcott in this window’s dedication, states that “Bergen” is misspelled. It should be Burgin.
This window is where the main door to the church once was. It was narrower than the other windows, so it had a wood frame that was replaced with the present green and yellow glass frame, probably during the 1990s renovation for the organ.