The History of Emmanuel Church

WD10 Breakfast on the Shore
(Wilmer Window)
Willet Windows, Philadelphia, 1974

In the foreground, in blue robe with red tunic, Jesus gestures to Peter who had just waded ashore in a white cloth wrapping; at their feet are two fish roasting over a campfire; in the background, six of the Apostles (with halos) in a boat with sails furled haul a net over the starboard side.
This window illustrates several stories about Jesus: John 21:6 tells the story of the apostles having caught no fish until Jesus bade them to cast their over the starpoard side instead of the port. The main figure shows Jesus bidding Peter to have faith, reminiscent of Peter’s aborted attempt to walk on water in Matthew 14:28-31. The two fish in the basket refer to Jesus’ feeding of the multitude.
On the nameplate:
In memory of my mother and father
1892 Isabel Perry Wilmer 1971
1893 Philip George Wilmer 1972
In loving tribute from their daughter
[Ann Hoon, per Bob Tyson]
The symbol in the predella is derived from an ancient bishop's ring, which depicts two fish in a basket flanked by two other fish. It recalls Matthew 4:19 “Follow me, and I will make you fishers of men.”