The History of Emmanuel Church

WD09 He Who Loves His Brother
(Forney Window)
Ray Miller Stained Glass Studio, Baltimore 1975

This windows depicts 1 John 2:10 “He who loves his brother abides in the light.”
Once again we see the pink and green tiles repeating the theme of the pavement under Moses’ feet, picked up as a linking motif from the Moses window (WD02).
In the nameplate: “In honor of the lay ministries of Brian A Kane, Fred H. Dumschott and Frank l La Motte”.
According to former Emmanuel Rector, Fr. Greg Straub: “For decades this window had no inscription, although I knew who the donor was and in whose honor it was given. The donor wished to remain anonymous until the last of the dedicatees [Kane, Dumschott, and La Motte] had died. The window was given by Robert Forney, a non-member of Emmanuel, in honor of the three members of Emmanuel who saw him to sobriety. I haven’t the foggiest notion of what the figures mean. Jesus told the parable of the Good Samaritan, so the Samaritan is a fictional character and would hardly be pictured with its author {Jesus]. The picture would seem to portray Jesus comforting a wayfarer (the reason for the staff and hat), but I do not know a biblical story that this could be illustrating.”