Upper Eastern Shore Anglers
Rules for Using the Sell & Swap Service
You must be a member to send me a listing.
Your item will be listed for one month or until you notify me (click the "Contact Webmaster" button at the bottom of any web page). If your offer or request is not completed within one month, you must resubmit.
Your item(s) must be specific to fishing or boating. If you are in business-no retail items accepted.
You must include either a phone number or email address, or both, at which an interested member can contact you.
Our Chapter, its officers, and and the Webmaster will not be responsible for any contacts or negotiations between parties.
By your participation in the Buy-Sell-Swap you acknowledge that the Chapter and the Webmaster have no responsibilities related to guarantees or warranties between the parties.
These rules are subject to change as we gain experience.